Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life is Good

Two months ago when we were discharged from the hospital with Anna seemed to be a very defining moment that would dictate the next 60 days and would suggest the next 6,000 days as well. Emma has been potty trained since about a month or so before her diagnoses. We contribute not knowing about her diabetes to the success fullness of how well she was trained. Since she had to go potty every hour she was getting good at it. We did think it was just a novelty and what the hell did we know we have never had to potty train anyone else. Almost like having a 12 pound baby. We knew no different. Any way the day Anna was born Emma peed her pants 5 times that day. So with that we knew this was not going to be like bringing home Emma 3 years ago. Sure she very well could have been high. Sure she could have been very jealous. Sure she could have been rebelling and maybe peeing on the floor we would have to leave this new baby at the hospital and everything would be like it was just hours ago. So onto the next scene of Emma's wet pants and panties hanging off the end of the diaper bag, with Emma wrapped with one of the Hospital blankets around her bottom and tucked into her parka. As i peered around the door to the nurses station making sure none of them saw us "Borrowing" their blanket then continuing to give mom the all clear sign just like the marines do so in all the movies. But a quick painless get away it wasn't. At this point Emma is draped over my shoulder with her back arched like a 3 year olds can only be arched looking at the nurses upside down waving and yelling "Byeeee Everybody" (Like the crack doctor in Simpson's withe the European accent). Following us is mom shuffling as fast as she can behind us, her slippers carrying the car seat with an 11 pound new born and a bottle of hand lotion that we decided that we liked more than the hospital. This scene carries on through the lobby and through the revolving doors to our waiting fam van in -30 degree winter squall. Of course we have every ones attention at this point. And it is obvious that this blanket needs to be taken off for the car seat to buckle up. So with Emma half naked, me sweating profusely, Mom shuffling through the ice in her slippers, and Anna sound asleep i knew this car ride home is going to change our lives as we know it. And it did. And i love it.
If you could sit through that video there was something really special about it. Not the fact that she is the most amazing big sister. Nor the fact that she is so gentle and loving with her. But i had to take that video today because that is Emma. That is Emma without that fucking monster wearing her down. Without it eating at her making her cry, making her pee, making her say and do things that she is not. Her numbers have been spectacular lately. And when they are all in line like that we get Emma day in day out. Sure she is still 3 but an Emma 3. Does that make sense? We still struggle day in day out with this. It tears us up and it tears us down. You would think we would forget about it for a minute here and there but we dont. We think of it more when we should not think of it. It is there. It breaks my heart. Every new stage of her life it is there. Goddammit. why does it have to be there?
We are going to walk for Emma and everyone else in June. But besides the walking please pray for us. Please pray for all of the little ones that live with this as we do. Donate and walk with us on June 8th. Your prayers, efforts, and donations will be heard.


His Lady Love said...

Is your daughter on the insulin pump?

Jenn said...

Love the video Chris.. thanks for posting it. She is a great big sister.. you can tell already that Anna adores her!!

Kerri. said...

You have beautiful children. You are very blessed.

Scott K. Johnson said...

Yes, a very beautiful family.

Lisa said...

So sweet! I know exactly what you mean. Isabelle is so different when her numbers are good. It's like a different world.

I'm out here praying every night for Emma and Isabelle and all of the other children out there who are dealing with the same thing.